2 Ways To Waterproof Your Basement

18 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog


You want to do what you can to try and make sure that your basement is as waterproof as possible. Water getting into your basement or your foundation can slowly destroy your house and you don't want that to happen. There are a number of strategies that you can do that will help you with your goal. 

Waterproofing Sealant

First, you can put a sealant on the inside of your basement or foundation. You can get a sealant that you can paint on your walls and floor. It goes on just like paint, only instead of coloring your walls, it seals up all the little holes or cracks that would let water seep into your basement or foundation. It is a thick product, instead of a thinner one like paint would be. That's because of its makeup. It needs to be thicker so that it can get into all the places where it needs to work. Once the sealant has dried and set, you can paint over it, if you want. 


You can also work with a contractor who can add a membrane to the outside of your house. Generally, this should be done before your house is built, but you can retrofit the membrane to your basement and foundation. It will take some work to do that. The contractor who is going to install the membrane for you is going to have to remove the dirt around the house so that they can install the membrane, and then cover everything back up. While they are doing this, the contractor can also fix any cracks or damage to your foundation or basement that may have already occurred from the water. The contractor may only do one side at a time, but they may also uncover more than one side at a time, depending on your house, the damage to it, and what risks it may already be under. While the contractor is installing a membrane, check to see if they can go under your house into a crawl space, if necessary, to install a barrier under the floor. 

If you are worried about the water that is getting into your basement, you want to do what you can to make sure that your house is waterproofed. If you aren't sure exactly what to do, talk to a contractor and get their advice. Learn more about waterproofing your basement today.