Protecting Your Basement Against Water Damage

23 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog


There are few areas of a home that are at a greater risk of suffering water damage than the basement. When large amounts of water seep into this part of the home, it is possible for widespread structural damage to occur. For homes that are in areas that are low-lying or that have poor property drainage, having the basement waterproofed can be essential for keeping the structure safe.

Cracks In The Walls And Floors Are Not The Only Source Of Water Damage

Cracks in the walls and floors of the basement can be among the most visible sources of water seeping into the home. However, a person should avoid assuming that these cracks are necessary to allow the water into the house. In reality, it is entirely possible for the moisture to seep through the walls and flooring through the small pores in the concrete. To combat this, a waterproof sealant will have to be applied to these surfaces.

Pumping Systems Are Often An Essential Aspect Of A Waterproofing Project

Depending on the needs of your house, a pumping system may be needed to actively move water away from the house. A common example of this is a sump pump, which will attempt to collect moisture that may have started to seep into the area and expel it from the house. Some homes may also need a pumping system that helps move water that may pool around the home. If these large standing puddles are allowed to remain in place, they will eventually seep into the basement where severe damage can occur.

The Basement Should Still Be Monitored For Signs Of Water Intrusion In The Future

After you have invested in waterproofing the basement, your house will be more effectively protected against damage. However, you are still advised to periodically inspect this area for signs of water intrusion. This can often occur as a result of new cracks or other issues developing in the basement that may compromise the waterproofing work that had been done. If your home's waterproofing work required a pumping system to be installed, it will also need to be tested periodically. For those with a sump pump in their basement, this may be as simple as pouring some water into the collection and observing whether the pump activates to expel it. By performing this type of inspection of the basement every few months, you can act more quickly to handle minor issues with the waterproofing that could lead to major and costly repairs in the future. 

For more information about waterproofing services, contact a local contractor.